1st Entry☺
Holla everyone.. Firstly I was very excited to learn this subject because it is something to do with internet since nowadays everyone surfs the internet everyday. For the first week, Madam Azida explained to us about the introduction and also the objectives of the subject. Internet and as well as other technologies can be used as a tool for language learning. We will also learn the use of various computer software and its application. Futhermore, Madam Azida introduced to us our course assessment. The course assessment has:
- Quiz = 20%
- Blog = 20%
- Article Review - 10%
- Educational Video = 20%
- E-learning Courseware = 30%
These course assessment gives us the total of 100% and thank god there is no any final exam.. :)
Lastly, we were told to create our own blog through our gmail account. I have created a blog on the name 'Bazriah's Blog'.